Mining Calculators 2023: an overview of popular resources

Mining Calculators 2023: an overview of popular resources

Author: Robert Strickland

Mining Calculators 2023: an overview of popular resources

Calculating the profitability of mining is a complicated matter. Accordingly, to make such calculations with a pen and a piece of paper is simply unreasonable, and very difficult. In this article, we will look at the mining 2023 calculators that can be used to determine profitability and income.


Probably only someone who has never engaged in mining has not heard of the service WhatToMine. This calculator is considered the most informative and simple, which accounts for its wide popularity. It allows you to work with both ASICs and video cards. The system provides a large number of algorithms and selected popular models of video cards with the ability to choose their number.

Also, the calculator provides a lot of customizable parameters - power consumption, the cost per kilowatt of electricity, the choice of exchange, by which the rate is calculated, etc.

If you want to learn more about the interface of the WhatToMine resource, read our article devoted to it.


Asictrade, although inferior in its functionality to the above-described resource WhatToMine, but also takes a place of honor among the best calculators. It is primarily designed to work with ASICs, although if you know the parameters of your GPU farm, you can also calculate its profitability.

The following settings are provided inside the system:

Selection of pre-installed miners.
Power consumption.
Network complexity.
Recalculation at the rate of various fiat currencies.
It is noteworthy that in terms of price conversion, this resource is more convenient than WhatToMine because it provides 4 fiat currencies at once.


CryptoCompare is a mining calculator, which is loved by many for its clear and beautiful interface. It does not present any technical innovations, but it is perfect for beginners who find it difficult to deal with the countless data on the page and incomprehensible calculations.

It is worth noting that CryptoCompare is a collection of calculators for various cryptocurrencies. However, their list is limited to the major coins, so you will not be able to calculate the difficulty for some rare altcoins. You will have to turn to more complex services.

All the above-mentioned 2023 mining calculators will help you to quickly orient yourself in mining cryptocurrencies and assess the potential of your farm. Immediately we would like to note that no one can guarantee 100% accuracy of the result. Cryptocurrencies are a rapidly changing ecosystem, so it is necessary to calculate profitability on a daily basis.




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