Dogecoin cryptocurrency symbol to be erected in Japan

Dogecoin cryptocurrency symbol to be erected in Japan

Author: Robert Strickland (crypto expert)


Dogecoin cryptocurrency symbol to be erected in Japan

Dog Kabosu, the symbol of Dogecoin cryptocurrency, will be erected as a monument in Japan

Fans of the meme coin will erect a statue of the dog Kabosu in the city of Sakura near the place where it walks


An NFT community of Dogecoin cryptocurrency fans called Own The Doge will erect a statue of Kabosu the dog in Japan, CoinDesk reports. The monument will be unveiled in collaboration with the Sakura City government on Kabosu's birthday, November 2.

Kabosu is a real Shiba Inu dog, a meme about which became the symbol of Dogecoin (DOGE). In 2010, the puppy's owner Atsuko Sato took a photo of Kabosu for her blog. The photo went viral after it appeared with the name "doge" on the Reddit platform. It later sparked the creation of Dogecoin in 2013.

NFT community Own the Doge and the PleasrDAO project, which purchased the rights to the DOGE meme image for $4 million in 2021, decided to erect a monument in Sakura City's Furusato Square, near where Sato often walks his dog.

The money for the monument was raised by DOGE fans back in 2022. One day, they want to install such a statue even on the moon. One PleasrDAO member under the pseudonym Tridog told the publication that for more than two years they have been busy "taking DOGE to places it's never been, including Hollywood and space" - NFT is going on a SpaceX mission to the moon in honor of Dogecoin.

The community is also planning interactive activities in honor of the monument's installation. Participants will be able to meet the mistress of Kabosu, as well as receive various bonuses depending on the NFT they own.

In April, it became known that Own the Doge and the PleasrDAO project made a "dogummental" movie about the meme cryptocurrency. DOGE fans created and funded a feature-length movie about the transformation of an abandoned Shiba Inu puppy into a Dogecoin token.



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