Hackers stole $8.8 million worth of cryptocurrency in the first month of the year

Hackers stole $8.8 million worth of cryptocurrency in the first month of the year

Author: Robert Strickland

Hackers stole $8.8 million worth of cryptocurrency in the first month of the year
There were 24 hacks in January, with more than a third of the stolen funds going to cryptomixers

Hackers stole $8.8 million worth of cryptocurrency in 24 hacks in January, PeckShield analysts said. More than a third of the stolen funds (about $2.6 million) went to cryptomixer TornadoCash and cryptocurrency instant exchange services Fixedfloat and SideShift.

The largest hack was an attack on DeFi cryptocurrency lending platform LendHub. As a result of the hack, the hacker managed to withdraw $6 million in assets. ThoreumFinance, MidasCapitalxyz, Omniestategroup and Mycelium platforms were also hacked in January. The amounts of money stolen as a result of the attacks on these protocols were less than $1 million in each case.

Over the past month, almost 14 times less money was stolen than the year before: in January 2022, hackers stole $121.4 million in cryptocurrency. In January 2021, the amount of losses from hacks was $370,000.

The biggest loss last year was caused by the Ronin Bridge hack, which took away $625 million in late March.


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